The girls have been helping me study. And thoroughly enjoying the study breaks for hiking. This was taken on our first nice day in what seems like forever!

I take my last final of my undergraduate career tomorrow! It seems absolutely insane that I have been here for four years. I went from a know nothing city kid to a teaching assistant and valuable asset to the sheep program in such a short time. I can easily say that I am a competent member of the agricultural community... granted, not so much in cattle, but I have worked with all the animals!
The plan is to stay in Logan for a couple more years to get a masters degree in agricultural extension. I will have a research project, write a thesis, and become a more educated member of society, with the intention of educating other producers. I am strongly considering teaching, at a university level.... no young people for me.
Someone asked me the other day if I have been dreaming about the day when I would finish for a long time... the answer is no. Really, it doesn't seem real. I'm now only a few days from graduation and it still seems so far away. Granted, part of that is that I'm planning to continue, but still.... it seems so far away!
So, highlights of this semester.... working at rafter 7 sheep ranch, working with students (there was quite a group of fantastic students in one of the classes!), hanging out with dogs, seeing the evolution of the new wool lab, and the most recent... raising Lilly the lamb. Yeah, she went to school with a friend and me. We were featured in three different newspapers. She has a facebook (Lilly St.Croix). She's back at the farm now and won't talk to me, since she's busy with her other lamb friends... jerk.

Now for the new era talk.... Tag! She has grown into quite the strapping young lady! Let me start by saying that I adore this dog. She is completely crazy, but super cuddly when she has the chance.
Tag's big agility debut is on Thursday and Friday. I am super excited. Looking forward to having a hell of a good time with her. Oh, and I purchased a video camera for the occasion. Stay tuned for video posting this weekend.
Love her hair in this one... static! This was taken on a recent road trip to Montana.
