Yesterday involved more lambs, training (mainly for Tag, but all three girls got some work), and some long delayed hang out time with some friends. Today, however, cleaning, dog play, and laziness have ruled.
Anyway, Tag's training.... We are eternally working on her running dogwalk. When I am driving forward, she has lovely contacts. When we drive into nothing, she does fantastic, slight turns are fine, and for some reason she does well on tight turns (serpentine-type turns). However, our big hang up at the moment is turns ranging from about 45-90 degrees. Where we are currently snowed in, we can only get to contacts once a week, twice if lucky. I am currently debating how to work turns.... I'll let everyone know when I figure it out.
A-frames are lovely. Tag had never seen an A-frame before Christmas but the dogwalk training seems to have just flowed over. We started on a low contact but raised it quickly. Watching the video, I'm not thrilled with the high flying over the apex, but it's not as obvious when I'm running. At this point, I am going to let Tag decide how she wants to run the contact. She has yet to really miss, other than the one time in the video where I did a horrendous front cross. By the end of the A-frame segment, I saw some improvement on the acrobatics, so we shall see what happens.
I'm happy with the teeters for now. I see more confidence every time I train. Tag is such a thinker and I can really see her processing with this obstacle. I remember going through thinking stages early in the dogwalk training, so I'm not too worried about it here.
And in case the video doesn't work, here's a link:

Here are the 365 photos from the last couple days.
Day 4: Tika, asleep on my pillow. These guys sure make it hard to get up in the morning. All three girls are champion cuddlers, especially Tag. She LOVES morning laziness.

Day 5: I found some magnets while cleaning today. These two seemed particularly appropriate for the day. The only thing that could be changed is that all three dogs were bathed last week. You wouldn't know it after their farm fun.

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